Reducing and mitigating climate change through innovative food and agri companies
Our goal is to mitigate climate change and its effects and realise the investment opportunities from removing the drivers of climate change and contributing to climate adaptation and mitigation.
We focus on the food and agriculture sector. The sector is a key driver of climate change, accounting for as much as one-third of GHG emissions, while also being itself heavily exposed to the effects climate change. The world is already experiencing the detrimental effects of climate change induced flooding, droughts, and heat on agricultural production globally. Our four themes are: § Protein Transition - developing, manufacturing andselling plant-based and cultured proteins § Inputs Transition - alternatives to traditionalfertilisers, seeds and pesticides to improve biodiversity, increase yields andreduce GHG emissions (e.g. fertilisers from side streams, agri-forestry,integrated pest management, drought resilient seeds and varieties) § Reducing Waste - from food spoiling and side streamsfrom production § Enabling Infrastructure - equipment and services to support alower GHG emitting and climate resilient food sector